Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Focusing on the Positives...

  1. Gas is still under $2 a gallon - I never paid more than $25 to fill my tank during the entire trip to OH and back. It's such a relief.

  2. My husband is still a non-smoker! He spent 4 days with his chain smoking relatives and not only did he not smoke a single cig - he turned into the non-smoker who lectures the smokers on how if he can quit anyone can! :) I'm sure it annoyed them a bit but I LOVED it.

  3. I won $225 in a football pool and can really use the cash so this is good.

  4. I should have my sign-up for Home Interiors Consultant completed today and I can start trying to make a bit of extra cash that way and hopefully be an outlet for my creativity because - really - that side of me is dying in this job.

  5. My husband's class starts in 2 weeks - he is taking Java Programming at a local community college on Monday nights. I hope that he does well. It also means I will have Monday nights to myself which hopefully will be a welcome relief.

  6. Also in 2 weeks - LOST comes back. How I <3 that show! (hey it's the little things)

I guess that is enough for one day - wouldn't want to overwhelm you all with my cheeriness! ;-)


Maxie said...

225 bucks? that's freakin awesome1

Anonymous said...

Do you have to actually enter a football pool to win? Because I could really use some cash, but, you know- football = ew.


Tricia said...

Maxie - it is pretty awesome and it only cost $25 to enter so good return!

VBC - yes you have to enter. I host the pool website for a friend and get a free entry to the "big game" every year - in 2004 I won $4,000 as the sole winner of the big game. This year I tanked the big game and won on a king of the hill game where you pick a different team every week and one loss and you're out. The total prize was $900 but there were 4 of us still standing after the last week so we split it.

Unknown said...

Congrats about the spurt of good luck!

Lisa Emrich said...

You've got so great positives there. Very cool about the money and the hubby....but I'm most excited about "LOST". LOL.

Diane said...

WOW! Now that's a great way to start off the year! :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you! And that's terrific news about Pete and the smoking. I saw the forum post where you were worried about him returning to it, and meant to tell you that they say the average smoker takes 8 attempts to quit for good, it took me a couple of attempts before it finally "took" for good, and that even if he goes back temporarily, the efforts in learning how to quit isn't wasted because it teaches him little things about what works for him the next time. BUT, it is awesome that he held firm and this is apparently his "once and for all" time to do it!


Don't be too joyous...people will grow to EXPECT it!

Linda D. in Seattle