Saturday, August 1, 2009

Can't Win for Losing...

Last night hubby and I went out with friends. We were out until the wee hours of the morning. We drank, we were silly, we had a great time. Today we slept way past noon and enjoyed not having to do anything in particular.

Then my sister asked if I would go out with her - she wanted to treat me to dinner and then go shopping. I said sure. I told hubby it would be AT LEAST nine before I was back home. At 10 I was nearly home and he called FURIOUS that I was still out.

He said that I forget that he has an ex wife that cheated on him and he didn't know if I was really with my sister, etc.

I am livid! I have never cheated on him, never even got close, there was one time when I'd had a really, really bad day and he had called me and berated me, belittled me and just brought me low, that night a male friend who was also in a very bad place and I had a talk. He reached out to me, he touched my knee, he touched my hand, he tried to comfort me and for brief instant I was tempted, very tempted to reach back and see what happened. But I resisted and it was over as soon as it started, we are still friends and thankfully nothing is weird between us. But I could have gone there and that day hubby had treated me so badly that I wanted to go there.

The thing that makes me mad is that in July 2007 my husband joined several adult "friend" websites. He spent hundreds of dollars and was talking to someone. He was planning to cheat on me with her. I caught him in the planning phase, I stopped him, and in the end I forgave him. The fact that he had gone so far down this path and hurt me so much and he has the audacity to accuse me of this because I was slightly later than he thought I should be? RIDICULOUS!

Then he starts in on how much he hates NY, how he hates living so close to my family, how we are not going to stay here. He tells me to put the house on the market. REALLY I say! I mean sure we sell this house does he think we can just up and move without any real money and no jobs? We are going to get a new house how exactly?

The only good thing is that thanks to the MS and all it has taken from him, he is unlikely to remember this stupid fight in another day or two. I wish I could forget things so easily.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

I'm sorry he has these bouts. Obviously since he almost went down the cheating path he knows how easily one can be swayed so he worries it will be easy for you. But its like calling the kettle black.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I'm sorry he has these bouts. Obviously since he almost went down the cheating path he knows how easily one can be swayed so he worries it will be easy for you. But its like calling the kettle black.

Laura said...

So sorry Tricia!
You have every right to be angry and hurt. It's too bad that he is taking out his issues on you.
We all do things that we regret, things that are stupid (just ask me!). However, since it was his ex-wife that cheated on him and not you, he shouldn't be treating you like that.
Sending out good vibes to you. Hopefully you both can work through this. :)

Tricia said...

He's already forgotten it all. *sigh*