Thursday, June 5, 2008

How to tell it's time for a trim (down there)...

Today was picnic day at my office - we had a BBQ with hot dogs and burgers, salads and chips, and brownies, etc. A nice big potlucky kinda lunch with the meat provided by our activities committee. I was outside mingling and having fun with my co-workers, having a nice chat with my former boss (prior company) and now friend along with someone she is working on a project with. The other girl is about 30, very thin, athletic, energetic, a total tomboy. She has on pretty lowcut jeans in about a size zero and a t-shirt. She is stressed about the project, she raises her hands and places them on top of her head and her tshirt lifts up I can see her stomach AND curling over the top of her jeans I can see her pubic hair! GAG

So what do you do? Would you mention it? Ignore it? Try not to stare at it? Walk away? All of the above? I definitely didn't mention it. I tried to avert my eyes and ended up walking away to talk to other people. Talk about awkward!


Anonymous said...

Nasty! And I thought I had hair problems? I don't think you can say anything- I just can't imagine.... ~shudder~ what the rest of it might look like?!

ew. ew. ew. ew.

Lisa Emrich said...

Ok, I've seen men whose trail comes up over their belt. But for a girl?!! I wouldn't have thought that was possible, even with very lowrise jeans. Bizarre.

robkroese said...

That's just foul.

Anonymous said...

EWWW. What the hell is wrong with people?

Shieldmaiden96 said...

Yech. I definitely wouldn't mention it to anyone other than 1) my sister 2) a very very close friend.

I just can't imagine wearing anything that ends that close to the hedge, let alone lets people know when it needs a'trimmin. Even at size 0.

Tricia said...

Yeah it baffles me too - the jeans were pretty standard looking. I guess because she is so boardlike they didn't seem obscenely low cut like they might on a curvy girl. I think the zipper was like 3" long max though? So I'm thinking she has one heck of a bush and isn't a landing strip type girl! LMAO

It was hard to avert my eyes, I had to eventually just walk away. I want to ask the others who were there if they noticed it too but figure talking about a co-worker's pubes might be uncomfortable.

Thankfully even my lowest cut jeans are miles above the hedgerow so I'll never have to worry about this! LOL

Anonymous said...

Weird! Is she Greek or of some other nationality known for having lots of hair? I remember a Greek coworker and a Russian coworker at my last job made a big production of how they were going for these multiple laser treatments costing hundreds of dollars for body hair removal. I listened politely, but never have had any problems easily removing body hair, and don't really have that much. As she's elaborating, she's telling me how now she no longer has to worry about "that hairy line from your belly button down". I just stare at her, because I don't have one and have never known anyone else who did! Well, anyone who was female. :-)

Tricia said...

Nope not Greek and this was not a trail or anything - she doesn't appear to have a body hair problem at all, just a few curls that looked like way too long pubes that had sort of been flattened against her stomach and peeked over the top.

Unknown said...

Noone should wear jeans that low. Noone.

Maxie said...

oh WOW. i pity whoever has to handle that thing. LOLOL

Anonymous said...

Not all men find that unattractive you know.